Haechan An

I'm pursuing a master's degree at graduate school of computing of KAIST, under the advisement of Prof. Jeehoon Kang, at KAIST Concurrency & Parallelsim Lab.
My interests are: systems programming, compilers, machine learning and programming languages.
I want to build a compiler, runtime and programming model that fill the gap between large AI models and heterogenous hardwares.


Current Research Topic

AI compilers for distributed & heterogeneous accelerators

Deep learning models, such as generative AI, are increasingly demanding more computation, memory and bandwidth.
To efficiently handle those resource demands, (1) various specialized accelerators have been proposed and (2) the model executions are being distributed to multiple hardwares.
The benefit of using multiple heterogeneous accelerators can only be utilized by a software stack, including specialized compiler and runtime, which bridge the high-level application and low-level hardwares.
However, currently there are limited compiler support that can automatically generate efficient execution plans for varying models, given multiple different accelerators including NPU(Neural Processing Unit) and PIM(Processing In Memory).
My research goal is to design such "AI compilers for distributed & heterogeneous accelerators".


Programming languages / Dev tools

Publications / Projects


Teaching experiences


Advanced courses I've taken

These are the courses that I've taken so far as major electives, excluding major required and foundational courses (such as Algorithms, Computer Architectures, Operating Systems, etc).
I believe this listing can indicate my general interests and knowledge.


Other interests